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Poll Averages Last Updated 4/18/08

 Obama +5.0%
 Upcoming States (Dems)
North Carolina: Obama 51.0, Clinton 34.6 Obama +16.4
Kentucky: Clinton 62.0, Obama 26.0      Clinton +36.0
Indiana: Clinton 48.8, Obama 42.4        Clinton +6.4
Obama vs. McCain -  McCain +1.2%
Clinton vs. McCain - McCain +2.3%
 McCain 46.3
Top 5 Battleground States
Ref's Avg. of Battle- grounds
McCain +4.5
McCain +0.6

Ref's Poll Notes

While the first poll taken completely after the Obama "clinging to guns and religion" comment showed a twenty-point lead for Clinton, other polls show a smaller bounce or no bounce at all.  Obama's comments probably ended any chance of a Pennsylvania upset, but they have not sunk his candidacy for the nomination.

Why the Ref's Poll Averages Offer More






Obama Accuses Clinton of Playing Rough in ‘Gotcha’ Debate - The media and Obama were in full whine mode all day Thursday.  Obama's performance in the debate and his complaints about the questions demonstrate a serious lack of political maturity.  He does not handle criticism or attacks well at all.  Obama assumes the media can protect him.  The liberal media no longer has that power.  The Democrats should serioulsy consider nominating Clinton at this point.

Watch Obama complain about his treatment in the debate - I find this incredible because he has received more favorable treatment from the media than any candidate I can recall. 

Watch a hit piece on Stephanopoulos and the Democratic audience heckle Charlie Gibson

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'Elitist': The Rarefied Term That's a Low Blow

George's Bottom Line: On the Democratic Debate - Under attack from his friends in the liberal media, Stephanopoulos assesses the debate

The Note: Kitchen's Sink - ABC's the Note assesses it's highly criticized debate

Bad Night for Barack

China state media seeks to contain nationalist anger

Obama complains about his media treatment . . . yes, it's true


The left hates it when it's candidates are held to media scrutiny - Check out this hit piece on George Stephanopoulos

Charlie Gibson heckled by the audience after the debate

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