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McCain +6.5%
Clinton +22.7%
McCain +8.0%
Clinton +14.6%
New Jersey
McCain +16.0%
Clinton +16.6%
Romney +19.0%
Obama +2.0%
McCain +22.0%
Clinton +7.0%
Huckabee +12.0%
Obama +2.5%
McCain +11.0%
Obama +29.0%
McCain & Huckabee TIED
Clinton +15.0%
McCain +20.0%
Clinton +15.5%
Republicans - Insufficient Data
Clinton +24.0%
Romney +17.5%
Clinton +27.4%
McCain +2.5%
Clinton +24.0%
McCain +3.5%
Clinton +18.5%
Huckabee +8.0%
Clinton +12.5%
Obama 44.0
McCain 46.0
Obama 54.7
Romney 34.3
Obama 52.5
Huckabee 38.8

Why the Ref's Poll Averages Are Superior



Jonathan Martin of Politico: McCain sticking with his usual lines, playing it safe

" McCain is basically reciting the same lines he's trotted out at most every other debate or stump speech."

The Ref - 10:14 PM | Permalink


McCain fared poorly in contrast with Romney

McCain got his facts wrong several times tonight, specifically when he attacked Romney.  He cited statistics that were incorrectly calculated regarding Romney's record.  Romney corrected the record and McCain looked stunned that his facts were wrong. 

Viewers were repeatedly reminded that many conservatives oppose him, including Rush Limbaugh's statement that his nomination will destroy the Republican Party. 

McCain, when asked if he would vote on his original immigration bill, refused to answer.  He said repeatedly, "it won't come up."  He clearly believes in his immigration bill even now.  Saying it won't be voted on looks like he's trying to get away with something.  But if he believes in his bill he could not simply answer the question outright because Republicans hate his bill. 

The audience was reminded by a questioner that he said the Bush tax cuts favored the wealthy too much, the same ones he wants to make permanent now. 

Finally, when confronted over his distortion of Romney's statement McCain pointed to another statement by Romney where he refused to comment on the surge when he was Governor of Massachusetts.  This came after Romney received an obviously sincere ovation from the crowd after he corrected the record.  Romney clearly won this point.  McCain looked petty.   

It is difficult to see why a significant number of Republicans think McCain is more erectable than Romney.  Conservatives very likely will not show up to vote for him in great enough numbers to win the general election. 

The Ref 9:49 PM | Permalink


Time: Is Romney Fighting the Last War?

"McCain, Huckabee and a nation of disconcerted Republican voters now threaten to reformulate that coalition. Romney is certainly not a lifelong member of the old conservative movement. But as it stands, he may be the only thing left to hold it together."

The Ref 8:49 PM | Permalink


Ref's Call: Romney Needs a Hail Mary pass

Conservatives have expressed their dissatisfaction with Romney as their standard bearer by not voting in large enough numbers to deliver wins for him. Certainly Romney has the disadvantage of losing votes to Huckabee, but a strong conservative candidate would win in this three way race.

Conservative talk radio expressed its frustration today. Laura Ingraham said that Romney is missing something. She could not put her finger on it but did so indirectly when she stressed that he needs to draw a clearer contrast between himself and McCain ideologically.   

Romney is missing more than one thing, more like four.  For Romney to win he needs to aggressively draw an ideological contrast in tonight's debate, debunk McCain's argument that he can better beat Hillary Clinton and paint Huckabee strictly as a spoiler. He also needs to show a bit more humanity.

First, conservatives are looking for a leader. He can only fill that role if he embraces their causes with passion, not just by listing his conservative positions.  He should make crystal clear statements on the subjects of abortion, taxes and immigration.  These statements should be so stark that they create controversy and generate substantial attention.  This will create hostility toward Romney but it might win over the conservatives in enough numbers to defeat McCain.   

Second, McCain's electability argument ignores major problems for his candidacy. Under close scrutiny McCain will not look so appealing to Independents when they focus on the conservative components of his record. McCain cannot rely on conservatives, however, because they do not trust him.  McCain is stuck in between groups which will undermine his electability.  Romney needs to clearly make these points.   

Third, Romney needs to undermine Huckabee's candidacy. If Huckabee remains a factor to any substantial degree, Romney will lose the nomination to McCain. Romney trails in too many states because of the conservative vote split with Huckabee to not take him on.  To do this Romney should again make a very strong and perhaps controversial statement, such as Huckabee is doing McCain's dirty work.  Again this will create controversy, but Romney needs to move votes now.

Last, Romney needs to relax a bit and look less scripted. The "he comes from central casting" comment is only a compliment if that's your first impression. If it remains your impression then you believe you are watching a phony. 

If Romney delivers his standard CEO like presentation in tonight's debate and over the week to come he will lose. If he speaks with sincerity and passion about the issues conservatives care about and colorfully highlights the parts of McCain's record that conservatives disagree with him on, he will have a chance.  Bottom line, Romney needs a Hail Mary pass. 

The Ref 6:53 PM | Permalink



Seven thousand year old city discovered

Ruins of 7,000-year-old city found in Egypt oasis

The Ref 3:53 PM | Permalink


Can Detroit Mayor be forgiven for sex scandal?

As the latest in a series of mayoral sex scandals, it was discovered last week that Mayor and his chief of staff had a sexual relationship. Sex and the City: Can Apology Save Detroit's Mayor?

The Ref 3:47 PM | Permalink


While Republicans worry that a conservative can't win, Obama Calls Hillary "too polarizing to win the presidency"

Barack not playing nicely.  Obama Calls Clinton Divisive Figure

The Ref 3:26 PM | Permalink


1 and 1/4 points in eight days

Only eight days after 3/4 point drop, Fed Cuts Interest Rate by 1/2 Point

The Ref 3:19 PM | Permalink


Drink only cold water from the tap

The Claim: Never Drink Hot Water From the Tap has validity

The Ref 3:11 PM | Permalink


Lottery nightmare averted

Australian Judge Awards $1.8 Million Lottery Prize to Retiree With Canceled Winning Ticket

The Ref 3:04 PM | Permalink


Don't see this catching on nationwide

Medical Marijuana Vending Machines Take Root in LA: Turn On, Tune In, Enter Your Pin Number

The Ref 2:57 PM | Permalink


$1,000,000 worth of whiskey

Man indicted for possessing massive Jack Daniels stashWhat to Do with $1M in Booze? Man Says, Save the Bottles

The Ref 2:52 PM | Permalink


John Edwards drops out of the race

John Edwards will probably support Obama now that he's dropped out.

The Ref 9:08 AM | Permalink


New ad revealed to stop McCain by the "Stop McCain Coalition"

Some Republicans really do not like McCain

The Ref 1:37 AM | Permalink


Romney vows to spend it all

According to Howard Fineman on MSNBC, Romney will not lose for lack of resources.  Fineman reported that the Romney campaign pointed out that they won among conservatives.  Among states where McCain is favored they will leave New Jersey and New York out of the equation but put on a focused campaign in California and Connecticut.   


The Ref 12:47 AM | Permalink