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Obama says his uncle helped liberate Aushwitz, but the Soviets did that


Bill Clinton attacks the media for calling the election too early and trying to short-circuit the Democratic nomination process


McCain on nuclear security


McCain on Nuclear Security    (part 2)


McCain on nuclear security     (part 3)

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Poll Averages Last Updated 5/27/08
 Obama +12.0%
 Obama 52.3
 Clinton 40.3
 Upcoming States (Dems)
Puerto Rico (6/1): No Polls
Montana (6/3): Obama 52, Clinton 35    Obama +17
South Dakota (6/3): Obama 46, Clinton 34 Obama +12.0
Obama vs. McCain -  Obama +0.5%
 Obama 45.5
 McCain 45.0
Clinton vs. McCain - Clinton +2.8%
 Clinton 46.8
 McCain 44.0
Ref's Index of Battlegrounds
Ref's Avg. of Battle- grounds
McCain +1.2
Clinton +4.5

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Democrats Miss Mark to Finance Convention - The Democrats are lagging behind the Republicans in fundraising.  Clearly Obama and Clinton's big hauls have dried up a lot of resources.  Things might even out between the Republicans and Democrats in the end.

Another Gaffe: Obama mistaken on name of Nazi death camp

MSNBC, Leaning Left And Getting Flak From Both Sides - Imagine Bill O'Reilly anchoring election night coverage.  That is essentially what MSNBC does from the left with Olberman at the helm.  While Fox News does have a conservative perspective, both sides of the political debate are usually presented in prime time.  MSNBC frequently cuts out the conservative viewpoint from entire shows.  That's fine but it is going to start hurting NBC News as the two are increasingly intertwined.  Last week Pat Buchanan called his "news" channel "the big O" for Obama.  He had it right. 

Al Qaeda Supporters' Tape to Call for Use of WMDs

Party Leaders Hopeful Dean Can Strike a Deal Over Disputed Delegations - This deal has enormous implications.  If Hillary is unsatisfied with it, and presumably she expects at least half representation of Florida and Michigan delegates, she will likely go to a floor vote at the convention.  But every Democrat of significance has said there is no way Dean would jeopardize Obama's likelihood of winning. 

Clinton's Grim Scenario - With all of the talk about the RFK gaffe, in the end it just won't matter.  Puerto Rico is really all that matters.  If Hillary wins by a big enough margin to win the popular vote counting Florida (not Michigan) then the Democrats will have a problem.  Anything can happen at the convention, especially when the Clintons are involved. 

On interview, what would Mitt Romney do?

Clinton's Two-State Two-Step - Here's some more Hillary hating. 

Report: Jimmy Carter Says Israel Has 150 Nuclear Weapons - Clearly Carter is not a fan of Israel.

Exclusive: McClellan whacks Bush, White House

Continental Pilot Says Rocket Flew By His Jet

The Fading of the Mirage Economy

St. Louis worries it may lose Anheuser-Busch