62 Days Until the Iowa Caucuses
The Ref's Averages
The Ref's Average
Giuliani Leads by 11.3%
Giuliani 28.9
Thompson 17.6
McCain 14.0
Romney 11.6
The Ref's Average
Clinton Leads by 24.2%
Clinton 46.0
Obama 21.8
Edwards 13.1
In Order of Most Likely
Clinton 44.8
Giuliani 40.3
Clinton 49
Thompson 38
Clinton 47.0
McCain 38.5
Clinton 48.7
Romney 36.3
New Hampshire
Romney +8.7
Clinton +20.0
Romney +16.1
Clinton +7.3
South Carolinha
Romney +3.0
Clinton +21.0
Romney +8.4
No Delegates (Dem)
Giuliani +10.6
Clinton +23.6

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Today's Calls

LICENCES FOR EVERYONE DESPITE LEGAL STATUS                            FALSE START: Last night Hillary Clinton seemed to take two positions on the question of whether illegal aliens, or as Hillary calls them, "undocumented workers," should have drivers licenses.  The governor of New York has proposed that they receive drivers licenses.  After this false start Hillary clarified her support for the notion of offering licenses to illegal aliens.  According to the New York Times Hillary Clinton said today, “Senator Clinton supports governors like Governor Spitzer who believe they need such a measure to deal with the crisis caused by this administration’s failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform."  A Day Later, Clinton Embraces Spitzer's License Effort, Adam Nagourney, NYT. This stance by Hillary will devastate her campaign among Independents.  Illegal immigration is extremely unpopular among them.  Hillary's false start at the debate may do her damage, but her solid stance taken today will likely cost her enough Independents to make her unelectable.  


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November 1, 2007

Examining the Giuliani Strategy: Stifling Conservative Clarity

Giuliani is looking hard at Super Tuesday when twenty states hold their primaries according to a Reuters article. Giuliani Leads Republican Field but Faces Tough Path, Steve Holland, Reuters. He believes that his strong national showing and large more liberal states like New York, California and New Jersey that all vote on February 5th will establish such a substantial lead for him that this victory will seem inevitable. 

Romney hopes to create a big enough wave in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan and South Carolina, all states that vote before February 5th. Until last night Romney might not have had much hope in South Carolina, but a poll released by the American Research Group puts Romney up by six points and in the Ref's Average by three points. Giuliani's firewall in the early states is Florida where Giuliani maintains a strong 10.6 point lead. (See Ref's Poll Averages).

California, New York and Florida do not offer enough delegates to Giuliani to win the nomination. He will have to win a large number of states throughout the country, excluding the south, to win the nomination. To win the nomination a candidate must receive a simple majority of the total delegates that total 2458. 

Romney, if he wins Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan, South Carolina, and possibly Wyoming and Nevada, will possess a delegate total larger than Giuliani's who may have won Maine and should win Florida. Because Florida has so many delegates, however, the lead won't be that substantial. Romney probably doesn't need to lead by much, however, but simply lead. If he leads in the delegate count at the time of Super Tuesday the other contenders for the conservative vote should drop out of serious contention and Romney will establish himself as the conservative alternative to Giuliani.

Giuliani's task, therefore, is to push down Romney's delegate total as much as possible. The best way to do that is for Giuliani to win more of the early states. This must be the reason he spent four days in New Hampshire last week. This prong of the Giuliani strategy is obvious.

The prong of the Giuliani strategy that is less apparent is the one that aims to keep more than one conservative strong in the polls. At this point the conservatives are doing Giuliani's job for him, but if one emerges watch for Giuliani to do what can to diminish that candidate and possibly elevate another conservative if he possibly can.