October Videos

October 1-7 October 8-14  | October 15-21  |  October 22-31 

October 21, 2008

Palin on CNN - "Joe Biden got a pass (from media)"


Palin on CNN - "I have more experience"

Palin on CNN - Discussed Trooper Controversy


Palin on CNN - Will focus on reform as VP


October 20, 2008

Biden: "Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy"


Palin on CBN - On media scrutiny


Palin on CBN - On tone at rallies


Palin on CBN - On Bill Ayers


Palin on CBN - On Tina Fey


Palin on CBN - On Obama's abortion position


Palin on CBN - On faith in general


October 19, 2008

All of Palin's appearances on SNL below

Opening the Show

Weekend Update


Cold Open


Powell ensorses Obama, says he does not want 2 more Republican Supreme Court Appointments.  This is no surprise.  Powell is only Republican because it helped his career.


October 16, 2008

The Joe the Plumber Ad

Joe the Plumber on the debate


Joe Biden's "three-letter word," J-O-B-S


National Republican Trust PAC: "License"


Obama's crisis management


October 15, 2008

McCain: "I am not President Bush"

See the Debate, Point by Point, Here


October 1-7 October 8-14  | October 15-21  |  October 22-31