July Videos

July 1-7 July 8-14  | July 15-21  |  July 22-31

July 7, 2008

AP/Yahoo Poll: McCain = Old and a POW, Obama = Inexperienced and Change


Obama losing some of his base?


July 6, 2008

Combatting MoveOn.org: Vets for Freedom Ad

RNC promotes McCain's willingness to buck his party


Kerry verses Graham (Part 1)


Kerry verses Graham (Part 2)


Kerry verses Graham (Part 3)


July 5, 2008

Remarkable footage of Columbian rescue of hostages


July 4, 2008

Largest Reenlistment in American History on the 4th of July in one of Saddam's Palaces


July 3, 2008

Second Press Conference - Obama open to refining Iraq position


McCain discusses hostage rescue


July 2, 2008

McCain denies roughing up Sandinista

CNN says the mortgage was legitimate


Obama offends the left


July 1, 2008

Obama on Clark's comments: "Inartful"


Clark talks about his comments


Obama would change Bush's Faith-Based Program


July 1-7 July 8-14  | July 15-21  |  July 22-31